Carriers require more deployment points to get space supremacy. Another way of looking at it: Caps make you tankier (i. SomePhishyDude. If you give an Attack order on a cap point, it will turn into Defend after capture. The large ripple uses a lot of video memory. A guide to fleet composition. ago. 47K subscribers in the starsector community. You can change fps there. From my experience running the game on a 3600x it doesn't get too bad until endgame, where it drops off to 30, maybe 20 if there's a lot of fighters, which tbh on the combat side I find good enough, but if you want smooth 1k battle sizes in starsector no pc is gonna work lol, that's just java being java. 04, with an Nvidia GeForce GT 520. Nexerelin is a great mod that allows factions to wage war and conquer systems and colonize new worlds. Classic top-down gameplay style enhanced by modern technology. It's part of the setup which instructs your colonies how to build their fleets, but it also impacts the way your ships without officers behave (as confirmed by the kind people of the Starsector Discord). SpaceMarine_CR. Check the forum. Could be a couple of causes but check that first up. ago. I don’t use many ship packs bc I don’t really know which ones to pick. Last Update: 27 Mar 2021. the discord server also has a page for the basic enhancment mods. json (starsector-core/data/config). Hmm, it seems a lot more stuttery than just slowing down time but I’ll take a look again (I think my actual FPS counter drop) pedro1_1 • 3 yr. 9a. I obviously downloaded it and started a new save file. FPS only drops slightly when in the biggest fights with graphics lib mod installed (that mod is a resource hog for sure, try to disable it and see). json in a notepad editor or similar and then search for maxShipsInFleet. json, I get: "Device name: AMD Radeon R9 M295X OpenGL Engine" and "Free VRAM: 0MB". I'm having low fps in game, around 15-25 fps in big battles. json. It's possible you might be able to adjust some driver settings to get it to run at 72 fps with vsync. These three are already functional, and I plan on adding many more. But somehow after a very large and extended battle, the game slows to 17 FPS and 0% Idle. Tools, guides, and other resources. Version 0. Large ships without small ships to cover their flank are often overwhelmed and destroyed. 95. Colonies are player-owned settlements on planets within the sector. 28. As long as there are not too many fighters it runs at 20 fps+ at max deployment. I suspect allocating 56GB of ram is your problem, Java is not properly equipped to handle more than 8, by allocating more (signifigantly more) than that, you are likely causing Java to have a meltdown. Starsector (formerly Starfarer) is an upcoming top-down single-player indie role-playing game developed and published by Fractal Softworks for computers in 2011. json First make a backup. Yes. You can change some numbers to allow your computer to allocate more RAM to Starsector. I'm playing on a P. 8. Allocate sufficient memory in for Starsector with mods. Running the included radar alongside GraphicsLib on an AMD GPU blackens the screen. It was originally just meant to be a joke to see what I could do, but now I can't stop myself. You can edit settings. For fast, nimble ships that use hit and run tactics, caps are better. As for officers, I keep finding them stranded in ships for some reason but I can honestly say that they still show up in station and planet bars. json. You can do that without mods by going to the settings file (Fractal SoftworksStarsectorstarsector-coredataconfigsettings. Diable Avionics is a carrier-focused faction with mech-themed fighters, walls of micro-missiles, and striking red ships. ago. del-ra. json and set them to however you like. 96a-RC10). Overview. I run fleet battle size 1000 too, fps drops to 40 sometimes for a little bit if there are lots of missiles and fighters but its not bad. Subscribe to the channel here: is the Starsector . Reviewers praised the game on release. The game is set to my monitor's resolution with fullscreen disabled. GraphicsLib. 75 to whatever you want, like 1. Turn off Vsync and change frame rate cap in settings. The start of an abomination, dubbed the "moderately cursed ship pack". -I made sure that the Nvidia Control Panel settings are for the game to run on the GTX980. Set "useLargeRipple":false. P. The problem with large missiles is that you can mainly stick em on capitals. ago. Spoiler. You can then select which mod (s) you want to run with in the launcher. But thawing loads of ancient colonists should be an exception, as well as integrating existing population. I remember a time when I started with like 50-60 fps and, after 3 hours of playtime, I was at like 25 fps in hyperspace. Fractal SoftworksStarsectorstarsector-coredataconfigsettings. I need to heat my house and I like the massive brawls. I wonder if the dev will switch to lwjgl 3 and thread it a bit better (MT lighting calcs). ago. I have way less problems than I used to, but it still starts chugging sometimes after a few hours. Nexerelin: For New Players Or Not? The Nexerelin mod is an excellent addition to Starsector, adding 4X mechanics to the game, asteroid mining, diplomacy events and total war between the factions. Midline has the worst shields of the 3 techs mostly because it has high techs good flux stats and low techs efficient weaponry. ini file within the GraphicsLib folder in a program like Notepad++. Go to starsector r/starsector. They get like 15 fps in normal battles. 91 when fleet DP determined starting points: I found myself using Infernus and Cathedrals as. Spoiler. json file to allow you to transfer items quickly using the Alt key. If with mods that is when it will slow down (in my case fps tanked from 60 to 15-20) after a few hours of play session, depending on your system and number of mods. 260 likes · 18 were here. I heard that increasing the RAM allocation on the vmparams file helps with mods, changed that and didn't saw much of a improvement but I don't run any heavy mods anyway. Though it is in-development, you can purchase Starsector now at a discount to gain access to ongoing builds. Reply Arthur_The_Ok All hail the [SPACE DORITOS]. Second, content bloat. r/starsector • 40 min. Then change the value to whatever you want. (Read 442 times)Raises max player level to 20, 25, 30, or 40, while maintaining a vanilla-like levelling rate and Story Point gain, even at level cap. But for the most part. Hope that helps! Just what I was looking for. Defend will keep most of your fleet around the designated points. Especially in the early game, when you still need to import everything, this will make your colonies more profitable. CR runs from 0% (completely unfit for battle) to 100% (absolute peak performance) and is normally 70% for a well supplied ship with no pertinent bonuses. So you can set a 0. IMO the Conquest is a boring artillery platform you give it to your AI officers for long range fire support. You should be OK. The Mod Pack is broadly compatible with faction mods, Nexerelin, etc. Then right click on the "GRAPHICS_OPTIONS" file, and copy it. « on: October 21, 2020, 07:50:06 PM ». Yes, title is correct. The loading seems to get stuck at. 7ghz. 95 version of Starsector. 06. sadisticrarve • 2 yr. I just updated mine from a shitty really old and to a 770 (discount machine yes) and the performance difference is quite large. Set in the year 3126, the player commands a fleet of spaceships and engages in combat, trade, and exploration in a procedurally generated world. 1, there were considerations for and against using the capital freighters/tankers such as the Atlas and Prometheus compared to their 2nd tier counterparts the Colossus and Phaeton notably for when fleets would approach their max size limits or if the player. Find a file called settings. Version 0. A complete rebalance of Starsector that focuses on smaller weapons, more fighters and a heavy addition of lore content. If i disable it, the game works perfectly, even with other mods. Crashes are also sometimes caused by degrading performance over time, switching to java 8 fixes this problem (there are apparently some risks but i haven't had any problems with it), the performance increase is well worth it anyhow. Let's go over the basics of how to install mods in Starsector. As the title says, so be careful when updating them as for some reason my fps went from 45 to 60 depending if I time sped up, to 5fps whilst orbiting a planet. Once you’re in the config folder you open settings. It would probably do fine with removing the extended shields and more cap, but I need more data from fleet engagements against carriers. 7ghz. Add a Comment. On Linux, it's in the starsector directory. Late Domain modified Cruiser-school tactic, explained through Paint. 4480 Posts 61 Topics Last post by JEENAH in Re: Spiral Arms II - Fre. Re: FPS Locked at 30 « Reply #7 on: August 22, 2016, 01:31:27 PM » So I noticed a little thing, right at the beginning of the battle for about 1 second I get 60 frames, and then it jumps down to a constant 30, even when the battles are tiny. GameStop Moderna Pfizer Johnson & Johnson AstraZeneca Walgreens Best Buy Novavax SpaceX Tesla. 1a-RC8 Then modified vmparams to use: -Xms6144m -Xmx6144m -Xss1024k And turned off vsync and capped frame rate at 60 in the settings launch with 1920 x 1080 fullscreen The vanilla game typically runs at 60 FPS and ~50% idle, which is perfectly fine, although I think the idle is lower than it should be. 2 - Combat FPS Booster (fractalsoftworks. 5 GB of memory for the JRE Heap. Find the line that starts with "Automated Ship" In that line, replace com. Upping this cap will also upping the enemies dp (again the dp ratio). Embark on a space voyage with your ragtag crew of civilians in search of a new home. Or better yet is there another mod that improves FPS. So you can set a 0. Fleet composition changes based on what you are doing. 4X game features in Starsector. (If you want more industries, need to change the maxIndustries table right above the previous one too) 13. Change LogVersion 1. Controls are fully customizable. I followed the tutorial on this post if anyone needs it. I think it should be limited to just 1 or 2 - seeing as they're capital ships, meant to be the leader of fleet of smaller ships, not the sole design in the entire fleet. Hazard rating barely matters. The game would easily slow down to 20ish fps, then I went with 2x fleet cap to 600 fleet points with 60 ship player fleet max and 60 AI max and honestly it feels about right as it forces you to mix in cruisers and frigates, but still gives you enough room to field something that could be called a fleet. Very much recommend. Change the damage modifier from 0. Dominator. 5. Blueprints List (Starsector 0. Vanilla starsector has multiple soft and hard caps to limit the max size of battles. There are 3 things you can do regarding Deployment points. ago. Most of those administrators will come from farming [REDACTED]; their captains you essentially abduct and then assign to run structures, industries, and planets. I used as many mods I could with max battles size, ran every test at least 3 times and got this on benchmark test of starsector. Additionally, maintenance costs generally being 1:1 to deployment costs means that deploying a full 240 DP fleet tends to cost the same regardless of composition, so frigates being cheaper doesn't really. [Important!] Modded. So, turning on verbose logging from Starsector's settings. (large fight being my 2 carriers vs 5-10 ships)Because even people with high end rigs get FPS drops with many mods when playing for a longer period of time. Beyond the sector adds some end game content. EDIT: already solved: The Speedup mod can be modded to include any speed with any key combination. Removed extra skill point scaling. )If you're tired of seeing ships called Einstein's Demon and To Goddard With Apologies, then this mod is for you! If your machine is decent, Starsector should run MUCH better with Java 8. Re: 60FPS limit? « Reply #1 on: February 27, 2018, 08:23:22 PM ». You can find most mods on the forum. The goal of this Mod Pack is to put all of my private modifications to Starsector into one easy-to-install package. Also, from my experience, fighters are the biggest cause of FPS tanking in battles. Advertisement Coins. The game is set to my monitor's resolution with fullscreen disabled. Changelog: 1. However, that warning comes up for both my older save (slow) and newer saves (normal speed). Find your starsector root directory (by default it's likely C:/program files (x86)/Fractal Softworks/Starsector and find the folder named mods The best place to find specific mods for the game is. . Thank you. sh file. The large ripple uses a lot of video memory. Dev (Developer) Mode is used to enable some options or features that are useful for development or modding. r/starsector. If you ask on the discord they can give you files for that. A mod is better though, since you do not have to alt tab to. Go to your starsector install and rename the jre folder to jre7. A colony can serve many purposes: they can produce goods for the player to take at just-under open market price, they act as useful storage areas or markets away from the Core Worlds, or they can simply produce lots and lots of credits. I have done very little over the weekend because it's the weekend, so all you get are these newfangled doodads. Agent can help you increase/decrease relationship between factions (yours or others). You don't need most of your fleet at this point. They're a phase ship, making full phase fleet reasonable. These are meant for broader use within the Starsector. The main purpose of this mod is a performance boost, taking advantage of modern GPU horsepower. - open up the settings. For fast, nimble ships that use hit and run tactics, caps are better. It's possible you might be able to adjust some driver settings to get it to run at 72 fps with vsync. FPS issues, low performance. When you go into the Map tab, turn on the Exploration tab which will bring up the brackets next to all the stars on the map which are empty if the system is unexplored. Reply reply Getting Started. I have been running battle size at max for a while and haven't had any issues, but when I started farming Alpha cores with a star fortress, my computer just can't handle the strain from the star fortress and ordo combined, even at. Modded being a bit more of a drop. NEVER fly the ship "asteroids style" where you control only using WASD: that's only something you do when micromanaging an omnishield. json" look for the "playerMaxLevel":40," value, you can change it to what you want your max level to be. Re: [Late Game] Battles & Colony Management ruin FPS gradually & permanently. 2D RPG/Trade/Fleet Combat Game. Version 0. aaronrizz • 3 yr. 0 coins. It doesn't, really. Deep Rock Galactic is a 1-4 player co-op-first sci-fi FPS featuring badass space Dwarves, 100% destructible environments, procedurally-generated caves, and endless hordes of alien monsters. •. In Star Valor, bases just randomly produce stuff, which you can then transport to other places for money. r/starsector • The start of an abomination, dubbed the "moderately cursed ship pack". 4) 1080p. The purpose of this mod is a performance boost, taking better advantage of GPU horsepower. Without Razer - 5gb : 11 fps, 5. 6) windowed. This mod includes 10 additional features and three loose scripts. 16. Well, it was 20% in v0. 0 Configuration values can now be configured via Luna (Thanks Lukas04) Additional support for mods specifying damage or clarifying unknown damages Modification of vanilla on-hit effects to specify and clarify. 0 coins. In the main menu, alt-tabbing is impossible, I can only look at my desktop or a different window if I hit ctrl+alt+del, and then open the task manager. 1 will cause your fleet to suffer 10% more damage. >combat is top down in fleet vs fleet encounters. Mods that add new markets are especially bad, and i think adjusted. Droll12 • 3 yr. or set a max fps limit within the game or video control panel if possible. Dassault Mikoyan has the best command ship, Normandy cruiser, as well as lots of other cool toys. Welcome to a Starsector Tutorial!In this tutorial I will show you what to do if you have any of the following questions:Where do I download mods for Starsect. Since I downloaded the new update, all the battles I'm in are locked at 30-31 FPS and I know its not my rig. Low-tech ships need a certain number of gunboats to keep pushing. Starsector. Even if you change the JSON file to the current version. In the main menu, alt-tabbing is impossible, I can only look at my desktop or a different window if I hit ctrl+alt+del, and then open the task manager. The first place were I'm obligated to recomend is the Mod Index on the official forums, and the three first mods I need to recomend are LazyLib, MagicLib and GraphicsLib, the first two are used by most mod makers as a way to create mods faster, and the latter is used on some mods, it also makes the game have better graphics, now for the list:Start a new game and choose the quick start option with the "dev" label so you get in fast. The person who sends you there says that you can repair them for free in the station. 5 GB to up to 6 GB of RAM! - YouTube. This mod is a gigantic content expansion that fits almost seamlessly into vanilla to add a multitude of new gameplay options, expanding primarily on exploration and colony gameplay. There’s the Fleet Size by DP mod that is probably what you want. Mods that add new markets are especially bad, and i think adjusted. Starsector doesn't really changes it's performance based on GPU. select card -> high performance NVIDIA processor. So I'm getting FPS drops on the overworld and in battles. Behold, I have returned to infest your nightmares once again. Requires a GPU that supports. Change the numbers at the end of the lines to what you want. A ship like the Odyssey has a high high base flux dissipation of 1,000, and a low low shield upkeep factor of only 0. Did that a couple of days ago and my fps doubled, makes me wonder why Java 8 ain't the default. I play on linux, on a pretty big host and I regularly encounter small freezes (during combat, mainly) and FPS drops, down to 15, while traveling in-system or in hyperspace, especially if I speed up time. ini and change "enableShaders":true" into "enableShaders":false" . (300~500) 3. You don't have cookie cutter builds because the game isn't strictly about combat. 95. You can edit the level cap in the config file without needing a mod by going to Starsector -> starsector-core -> data -> config, and find the settings file. Allow playing in easy mode to earn more points per level, for example, additional skill point every other level. If you go from the max level of 40 variant to the max level of 25, or from the Fast variant to the standard variant, it will likely result in you having "negative" experience progress to next level--no. 96a] Force Auto R. Starsector does a fantastic job of allowing a player to acquire large ships and assemble a big fleet, and get into gigantic fleet-scale engagements all in just a few evenings of play. Turn the Image Sharpening to On and set the sharpen to around 0. Go to starsector r/starsector. fs. The performance boost is found by using a single batch call to render plumes in a single operation, avoiding the lengthy frame time that vanilla uses to render engine plumes iteratively with fixed function rendering. . Build spaceships tile by tile, create optimal gas conditions, manage the needs and moods of their crew, encounter other space-faring groups, and explore the universe in this spaceship colony simulation. Dev (Developer) Mode is used to enable some options or features that are useful for development or modding. • 2 yr. I'm on Ubuntu 14. json with notebook++ and you'll find this around line 528 :Starsector. 0 Mod, the choice for serious players seeking advanced features and customization options. json. . I've tried expanding my battle size but it's stuck at just 240-300 for deplpyments cap. No admin cap boyyyy. On the other, it means relying on driver developers to provide good support for features that went out of general use around 2003 or so, and that they don't expect any new releases to. We cover the early, mid, and late game fleets using the knowledge that we've built up so far. Would be nice to see Nex tone down fleet spam. Reviewers praised the game on release. Or you can right click the desktop icon and skip a few steps as open file location takes you right to the first file folder. I have a couple of questions though: Any mod recs? Nothing crazy like total overhaul stuff but for things like. "maxShipsInFleet":30, Increase the number of. 00hz. I believe Nexerelin alters the base tariff to 18% and 9% for freeports so you can actually do legit trading without always losing money, still need to shop around though. Starsector > Bug Reports & Support > Unexpected Low Performance . SomePhishyDude. The main purpose of this mod is a performance boost, taking advantage of modern GPU horsepower. This can be changed further in the json settings file. Usually I spend my "preload" period wandering on the empty outer reaches doing planet surveys (stay away from warning beacons!). Low-tech ships need a certain number of gunboats to keep pushing. - Updating the drivers. FPS only drops slightly when in the biggest fights with graphics lib mod installed (that mod is a. At most 40% idle. Removed skills changes. So, onto the good stuff along with their default values: "campaignSpeedupMult":2, Increasing the number to X will make the game move X times as fast when you press shift on the map screen. Do note, however, that it will not fully activate it (e. json file to improve your game experience. Starsector thread 03/11/20 (Wed) 18:32:241e1e50 16872462 [Last 50 Posts] Didn't see one in the catalog, so thought I'd make a thread since I started playing it again. Logged. -In battles, the game mouse controls feel as if I had about 20 FPS and vsync on, even when the FPS counter shows 40-55 and vsync is forced off in the Nvidia control panel. From my experience running the game on a 3600x it doesn't get too bad until endgame, where it drops off to 30, maybe 20 if there's a. on Today at 11:26:17 AMHonestly, I think the cryorevival building should increase the maximum population cap, as should the decivilized status. You may now choose 2 from each category of 5 hullmods rather than having to choose 2 from all 10. When using mods, just flying around drops me to 21FPS, and when using. orgil-sf • 4 yr. Cap-it Victoria, Victoria, British Columbia. . Thoughts and questions on skills in 0. When I first load up the game its rock solid at 60 FPS and 57-65% Idle. 2. 95 was like a year ago so I dunno if that's recent. On Windows, it's in the installation directory. These numbers should be the same value. Open that sucker in a text editor like Notepad. Problem: lower than 10 fps in main menu, during the game the fps is 11-25, lower than 10 in battles I am sure that the vsync is "false" in settings. That all changed when the lag monster attacked. Hmm, that's a bit odd - this means that the graphics driver is running the game at 60 fps, since by default vsync is on and that's what determines the framerate. Note that as total deployment points approach ~4000, or should many entities such as missiles, strike craft, or projectiles be present on the field, the fps may tend to 1 fps due to the single-core CPU bottleneck. Work your way to phase coil tuning (you get that by lvl 4). 96a] ED Shipyards 2. json. open "Fractal SoftworksStarsectorstarsector-coredataconfigsettings. Rev. Azrael9986 • 4 yr. The Odyssey in the other hand is an amazingly fun circle strafing gunship. Formerly, known as Starfarer, Starsector was released in 2013. Sports. I have to rstart the game then. However when I'm monitoring my gpu and cpu usage it's showing quite different. Dev mode can be activated by editing settings. 20 or 0. 4. I'm playing on a P. If the game thinks vsync is off, but it's forced on, I can see how it might lead to a not super stable framerate occasionally. As for what's causing the FPS loss, Neutrino brings in a weapon called the 'Unstable Photon Cannon', which is basically a buckshot blast of energy projectiles. exe (For those that crank their battlesize to 10000 and just straight up RP as an admiral) r/starsector •. The code is: ) TitanX: Infinite anti-fighter+anti-capital missile spam, regenerates missile supply, special ability is EMP burst that instantly overloads any ship over wide area. There’s a modded faction called HMI (Hazard Mining Incorporated). The dp ratio cap at 60:40 so that even the losing side can still deploy a reasonable minimum each battle. Carriers require more deployment points to get space supremacy. Vanilla performance in battle was generally silky, but with this setup I do get particularly dense battle lines chugging down to 20 or 15 fps with all the drone and projectile spam going full tilt. Hello, I have a very annoying issue with the game. It's an amazing game but i cannot play in 40FPS. There’s a modded faction called HMI (Hazard Mining Incorporated). The brawler LP variant. stars, planets, and moons) If you want to see more variety in your star-faring adventures, then this mod is for you!Throw in a fleshed out diplomacy system with alliances, defensive pacts etc. This is my Mk 1 for a Manticore loadout. It seems weird because you should easily get 60 FPS even with a lot of mods on your rig. Ryzen 5 1600 3. Premium Powerups Explore Gaming. If destroyed, it obliterates half the battlefield (FPS warning!) (Interstellar imperium. All you need to do is change the 6 to a different number. I went from mid 30's to mostly keeping 60fps the whole time. I have massively increased those limits to play Starsector the way it wa. Just a few revenants are enough for you to sneak past. This video guide goes over the very simple plug-and-play approach Starsector takes in introdu. laptop and I have been having problems with the starsector crashing in the late game. ago. 1 / 2. If you only want base 20+, then you SOL on capitals, and you'll need base burn 9 cruisers, which limits you to fast and/or light cruisers, i. Change the numbers at the end of the lines to what you want. Combat Readiness (CR) is a general measure of a ship's logistical status. It was originally just meant to be a joke to see what I could do, but now I can't stop myself. It's awesome; I'm not bashing it at all, but I would like to talk about that last bit - the war bit. Re: 165hz monitor. open up nvidia control panel, go into 'add programs', browse, open the starsector folder > jre > bin, and selecting the application named 'java' For nearly 3 years I had actually been using the iGPU to run SS which led me to having 50+ FPS on menu, 20-30 FPS on the open space side of SS, and 14 or below when in combat. Both of those are a limited resource. (9,950 names for conventional ships, and 1,000 + 500 for REDACTED ships. json.